• Environmental Management

    Recognizing that mineral processing and refining are very sensitive to environmental issues, ICA strives to demonstrate its genuine participation in safeguarding the environment through various strategic programs. These programs are waste management, energy conservation, observation of environment quality standard parameters and tree planting in a number of areas around and beyond our plant location. As part of our efforts to improve the quality of the environment, ICA periodically realizes reclamation and rehabilitation programs. The Company manages its own plant nurseries to provide the seedlings required for these programs, as well as to conserve flora. Periodically, the Company inspects the areas where tree planting for reclamation and rehabilitation has taken place and replace any plants that have died with new seedlings to ensure the success of its environmental conservation programs. In 2021 ICA planted 290 trees as its participation in the re-greening movement.

    ICA implements various environmental management programs followed by environmental monitoring programs that take into account the fulfillment of a series of Environmental Quality Standard parameters that are in accordance with local or central government regulations, or certification standards and measurements used by independent, accredited, competent parties or by internal parties. In addition to production needs, water is also used for production supporting activities, as well as domestic needs. To minimize the impact on the environment, ICA has three approaches to water management: conservation, efficiency and recycling. The Company uses ground and surface water and has a clear policy that requires water use to be efficient and controlled. This policy is implemented for water used in production and for other purposes.

    ICA closely oversees and monitors water use, as well as ensuring water sources remain pollution free. In addition, the quality of waste water is periodically checked by an independent party to ensure it meets the standards set by the government and does not impact negatively on health or the environment. The monitoring on waste water is conducted daily, monthly and quarterly. During 2021, ICA received no reports or complaints from the local community about disruptions to water sources used by the Company, and also received no complaints about the quality of the water discharged by the Company.

    ICA manages its waste generated by processing and refinement, as well as other ancillary processes, including from the employee housing area, utilizing the 3R principle of reduce, reuse and recycle, as well as safe disposal. To manage its waste, ICA has two broad categories, namely waste containing Toxic and Hazardous Materials (B3) and non-B3 waste. The management of these two types of waste is different. ICA has waste and emission management procedures SOP-05.007. These procedures encompass the planning, management and monitoring of all waste generated by the Company’s operations.