PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina Awarded Green PROPER in 2023

PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina (PT ICA) is pleased to announce it has been awarded the Green rating in the 2023 Environmental Performance Rating Program for Companies (PROPER). The Green rating of the PROPER award was presented on December 20, 2023. The rating represents an improvement from the company's previous achievement in 2022 when PT ICA received the Blue rating.
The Environmental Performance Rating Program for Companies (PROPER) aims to encourage companies to comply with environmental regulations. PROPER ratings are divided into two categories: compliance (Blue, Red, Black) and beyond compliance (Gold and Green). The highest rating is Gold, while the lowest is Black. The PROPER award rates companies based on several factors such as environmental permits, water pollution control, air pollution control, management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, waste management, and potential land damage specific to mining activities.
PT ICA expresses gratitude to the stakeholders’ support in the Company’s environmental management actvities. PT ICA is committed to continuous efforts and hard work in environmental management and social aspects based on the needs and potentials of the economic, environmental, and social aspects through interaction, communication, and collaboration with stakeholders in the Company's operational area.